Jakarta, May 25, 2023 – Director of Institutional Relations of PTPN III (Persero) Holding Plantations M. Arifin Firdaus, held a meeting with the Commander of the Army Intelligence Center (Danpusintelad), Brigadier General Yudha Medy, at the Army Intelligence Center (Pusintelad) office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (24/05/2023).
The visit was carried out as an effort to strengthen synergies related to securing and saving areas owned by PTPN Group. The meeting was also attended by a number of Pusintelad personnel, including Colonel Arm. Mochamad Takujasa Wiriawan (Wadanpusintelad), Colonel Inf. Dedi Iswanto, Colonel Inf. Albert Panjaitan and Head of Institutional Relations and TJSL Division of PTPN III (Persero) Ridho Syahputra Manurung.
M. Arifin Firdaus said that PTPN III (Persero) is the holding company of PTPN I, II, IV to XIV which has a land area of approximately 1.2 million hectares (ha), of which around 81 thousand ha have been cultivated / occupied by external parties. “The years 2023 and 2024 will be one of PTPN’s focuses to rescue the areas occupied by external parties,” he said.
In an effort to optimize these state assets, Arifin said, his party continues to prioritize persuasive and humanist efforts. One of them is by providing treats or ropes and partnerships to tenants who voluntarily return their cultivated land.
“However, in implementing the security process to maintain conduciveness, we also synergize with related parties, including the police and the Army, especially with the Army Intelligence Center,” Arifin said.
The Commander of Pusintelad, Brigadier General Yudha Medy, welcomed the visit of the Director of Institutional Relations of PTPN III (Persero). He supports the cooperation plan between PTPN III (Persero) and the Army in securing and saving the area owned by the PTPN Group.
Yudha suggested that both parties immediately conduct a focus group discussion (FGD) before making a cooperation agreement between PTPN III (Persero) and the Army, as a legal umbrella for the synergy. “Of course, we will also facilitate PTPN III (Persero) for the hearing process with the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) before signing this cooperation agreement,” he said.
The synergy between the PTPN III (Persero) Nusantara Plantation Holding and the Army is expected to provide benefits for both parties, support the national economy, and save state-owned assets.