Bogor – Deputy Minister (Wamen) of BUMN I, Pahala N. Mansury, was present at the event giving booster vaccinations and free health checks for persons with disabilities and the elderly in the environment around PTPN VIII’s Gedeh Gardens, in Bogor Regency.
This free vaccination and health check was opened directly by the General Director of Holding Nusantara Plantation PTPN III (Persero), Doni P. Gandamiharja, and continued with an interactive dialogue between the Deputy Minister of BUMN I and booster vaccination participants from persons with disabilities and the elderly. “Hopefully, with this activity, more people will get booster vaccines, especially the elderly who are at high risk,” he said. Doni said that the free vaccination and health check were carried out as a form of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Holding Perkebunan Nusantara, through PTPN VIII to the community around the work unit.
Booster vaccinations in this activity were given to 140 (one hundred and forty) elderly people and 60 (sixty) people with disabilities from Tugu Selatan and Tugu Utara Villages, Bogor. Meanwhile, free health checks were given to 300 (three hundred) elderly people and residents of the community around Kebun Gedeh. “So, a total of 500 (five hundred) people will receive assistance from this health facility,” added Doni.
Didik Prasetyo as Director of PTPN VIII said PTPN VIII is committed to play an active role in the success of government programs in improving public health. “We hope that the community around the PTPN VIII plantation can be helped by this free vaccination and medical activity,” said Didik. Didik said the activity was carried out as a result of cooperation between PTPN VIII and the Cisarua Health Center, Bogor Regency. “The vaccine given is the Sinopharm vaccine according to the prescribed dose,” he said.
The Deputy Minister of BUMN I, Pahala N. Mansury, appreciated the implementation of this booster vaccination and free medical check-up. He said that activities like this should be carried out intensively. Apart from being a way of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, he continued, it is also expected as a step to collect data on people who have had vaccines. “So that it can be integrated with the Peduli Protect application,” he added.
In addition to booster vaccinations and free medical check-ups, the event also distributed free groceries, in the form of sugar and Walini tea, a production of 500 packages of PTPN VIII plantations. “Thanks to the plantation (PTPN VIII), so Mother can be vaccinated 3 now,” said Mairah, one of the elderly who took part in the vaccination. During the working visit, the Deputy Minister of BUMN I and the VIP guests had the opportunity to try Komodo Adventure, a new ride at PTPN VIII Agrotourism, while walking around the garden path surrounded by beautiful views of the Tea Gardens.
Also present at the event were Assistant Deputy for Plantation and Forestry Industry of the Ministry of BUMN Rachman Ferry Isfianto, General Director of PTPN III (Persero) Nusantara Plantation Holding Doni P. Gandamihardja, Director of PTPN VIII Didik Prasetyo, along with the entire Board of Management of PTPN VIII. The entire series of events is carried out with a strict prokes and remains in accordance with applicable standards in adapting to new habits.