Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

Fulfilling the Company’s Vision and Mission to develop a sustainable plantation business through a Sustainable palm oil management process.

PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) is committed and determined to fulfill:

Protecting forests, peatlands and working with farmers, non-governmental organizations and stakeholders that provide positive change and implementation with the principle of no deforestation and peatland conservation.
Respect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities by giving their free prior and informed consent (FPIC) prior to the development and establishment of new plantations.
Comply with laws and regulations and carry out evaluations as evidence of compliance with compliance with all laws and regulations.
No development in High Conservation Value (HCV) areas.
Do not burn when opening new land, replanting or other development.
Doing good work practices, quickly and precisely.
Limiting the use of pesticides in plant maintenance.
Responsible for the environment and management of natural resource and biodiversity conservation areas by monitoring High Conservation Value (HCV) areas.
Respect Human Rights, the rights of human rights defenders, always avoid involvement in human rights violations, provide freedom of association for all workers, respect the rights and dignity of workers, treat workers fairly and free from all forms of discrimination, prevent all forms of sexual harassment , preventing violence against women and children, and protecting the reproductive rights of all workers.
Prohibit all forms of forced labor for every worker, prohibit the practice of labor trafficking, prohibit the exploitation of children and the use of underage labor.
Resolving every complaint, grievance, conflict openly with the consultation process.

In the interest of continuous improvement, we will monitor and assess the implementation of our policies as a way to increase effectiveness.

Policy Documents

Kebijakan Lingkungan PTPN Group

Kebijakan NDPE PTPN Group

Kebijakan Hak Asasi Manusia PTPN Group

Kebijakan Suap dan Korupsi PTPN Group

Kebijakan Keamanan dan Kualitas Produk PTPN Group