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Fire Prevention & Management

Fire Prevention & Management

Fires remain a considerable risk during the dry season and prolonged drought conditions, and this risk not only covers the Company’s business operations as an agro-industry company, but also the risk of wider impacts due to the potential for fires to extend beyond its operational boundaries.

With an awareness of the importance of this topic to be proactively managed, the Company has undertaken several initiatives to minimize and mitigate the risk of forest fires:

  1. Implementing Sustainability Policy, Environmental Policy, and NDPE Policy stating our commitment to zero burning for land clearing in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as well as RSPO, ISPO, and ISCC principles and criteria related to forest fires
  2. Referring to Regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry No. 5 of 2018 concerning Zero Burning Plantation Land Clearing and/or Processing, the Company is also audited by the RSPO certification agency to monitor fires and hotspots in the Company’s plantation areas
  3. Implementing SOPs for forest fire prevention and management in the Company’s areas of operations Berdasarkan hasil monitoring perusahaan akan kebakaran hutan di tahun 2022, tidak ada kebakaran termonitor di area lahan/kebun perusahaan PTPN

Going forward, to maintain its anti-fire commitment and conduct preventive and rapid fire response actions, the Company will continue to improve the monitoring & reporting process in accordance with RSPO standard and relevant regulations, as well as intensify cooperation and education with local communities to prevent and mitigate forest fires.