Medan – Peruri and PTPN II held Srikandi BUMN Goes to Campus activities at the University of North Sumatra to share information and interesting experiences working in BUMN. The activity with the theme “Building Synergy and Sharing Inspiration for Indonesia” was held on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at the Prof. Suhadji Hadibroto Auditorium, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of North Sumatra (USU), Medan. The event was packaged in a talk show session that presented speakers Peruri’s Director of Finance and Risk Management, Winarsih Budiriani as one of Peruri’s Srikandi, Director of PTPN II, Irwan Perangin-Angin and a banker and writer from Bank Mandiri, Ika Natassa. Prof. Dr. Opim Salim Sitompul, M.Sc. as Vice Rector of USU started this event by giving directions to USU students to absorb as much knowledge as possible. “I hope that all the information sharing today can open new understandings and ideas for us. Take advantage of this opportunity by listening, observing and discussing well in order to get accurate information directly from the speakers who are present here,” said Prof. Opim.
Peruri’s Director of HR, Technology and Information, Gandung Anggoro Murdani also had the opportunity to give a speech in front of 300 USU students. Gandung said that the Srikandi Goes to Campus activity is a program initiated by the Ministry of SOEs to socialize the work environment of SOEs that is inclusive for anyone regardless of gender or other backgrounds. “Here we invite USU students to learn, grow and contribute together with BUMN to make a positive contribution to the country,” said Gandung. On this occasion Winarsih Budiriani, Director of Finance and Risk Management of Peruri, said that the Minister of SOEs has a target of 25% of the Board of Directors of SOEs being women, while 10% are from young people. One of the steps to realize the direction of the Minister of BUMN, Peruri also encourages the role of women to contribute optimally and get managerial positions. “So far Peruri has a number of female best talents as much as 44% in the position of Head of Division and 29% for the position of Head of Department,” explained Winarsih.
To create a conducive work environment, Peruri has also implemented a Respectful Workplace Policy to prevent discrimination, violence, harassment in the work environment. Winarsih hopes that USU students will be motivated and have the desire to continue their careers in BUMN. On the other hand, Irwan Perangin-Angin, Director of PTPN II as a subsidiary of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero), said that his party develops renewable energy sources and has two biogas plants at the PM and KWS Palm Oil Mills which have been operated since January 2020. “We invite all USU people to join SOEs to build our beloved earth Indonesia and use domestic products. We must carry the name Indonesia Go Global and so that in the future student talents can become leaders in Indonesia, “said Irwan.
Along with the increased productivity of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero), which has made history for its very proud financial performance achievements. This State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) holding company in the plantation sector was able to record a consolidated profit of IDR 4.64 trillion in 2021 which then increased to 6.02 trillion in 2022 and became the 5th BUMN Company in achieving the largest profit in PTPN’s history. This increase proves that PTPN’s transformation efforts have successfully had a positive impact on the financial performance of PTPN Group in 2021 and 2022. Ika Natassa as a writer and banker who is also an alumnus of USU shared her fun experience working at BUMN, also providing affirmation that doing a job opens up opportunities to gain new knowledge. “Access to knowledge is one of the most priceless things in life, because not everyone has it. If you work in a state-owned enterprise, there are so many doors to gain knowledge, not only from fellow employees and superiors but also from customers and customers,” Ika explained. As a form of the company’s contribution to the nation and society, Peruri provided scholarship assistance to USU students which was symbolically handed over.